Медицинские науки

Сортировка по: Отображать по: Корзина(0):Выбрать все на странице Документов: 180
  • 31

    полный текст

    ББК 75.

    Старение общества - вызов для общества и медицины в XXI веке. Проблемы в Польше и Беларуси на фоне стран ЕС
    / Э. Клещевска [и др.] // Сибирский вестник специального образования. – 2012. – № 4(8). – С. 24-36. 


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  • 32

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    ББК 75. S40

    Shpakou, A. I.
    Advances in prevention of allergic diseases of the respiratory system based on population screening of children and adolescents in the Grodno region with the perspective of comparative studies in the Podlasie
    / A. I. Shpakou, A. A. Shpakou // Science & Technology Days Poland-East : 6 th International Forum, Bialystok, 21-23 May 2012 r. – Bialystok : 2012. – С. 16-17. 


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  • 33

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    ББК 75. P80

    Szpakow, A.
    Analiza problemu rozpowszechnienia uzywania substancji psychoaktywnych w populacji studentow z Grodna i Bialegostoku
    / A. Szpakow, A. Kulak, P. Kulak // Polska 2012 - priorytety zdrowia publicznego : Dni Medycyny Spolecznej i Zdrowia Publicznego. – Zielona Gora : 2012. – С. 66. 


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  • 34

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    ББК 75. R13

    Kotava, A.
    The comparative analysis of incidence illnesses of system of blood circulation among various categories of the population, undergone to influence ionizing radiations owing to accident on the Chernobyl atomic power station
    / A. Kotava, A. Sosnovskaya // RAD : The First International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Research, Nis, Serbia, April 25-27 2012. – Serbia : 2012. – С. 141. 


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  • 35

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    ББК 75. R13

    Sosnovskaya, A.
    State of health of the population of Belarus injured of Chernobyl accident: results of longterm monitoring
    / A. Sosnovskaya, A. Kotava // RAD : The First International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Research, Nis, Serbia, April 25-27 2012. – Serbia : 2012. – С. 154. 


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  • 36

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    ББК 75. R13

    Sosnovskaya, A.
    Risk of development of malignant tumors at Belarusian liquidators of consequences of accident on the Chernobyl atomic power station
    / A. Sosnovskaya, A. Kotava // RAD : The First International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Research, Nis, Serbia, April 25-27 2012. – Serbia : 2012. – С. 153. 


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    ББК 51. T44

    Kotava, A.
    Incidence of Arterial Hypertension, among the population of Belarus Injured of Chernobyl Accident
    / A. Kotava // The Future of Cardiovascular Protection : Abstracts of the 24th Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, Sydney, 30 September - 4 October 2012. – Sydney : 2012. – С. 453-454. 


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  • 38

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    ББК 51. S40

    Kotava, A.
    Development of multifactorial model of state of health management students as a component of health - saving technologies in the educational institutions
    / A. Kotava // Science & Technology Days Poland-East : 6 th International Forum, Bialystok, 21-23 May 2012 r. – Bialystok : 2012. – С. 5. 


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  • 39

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    ББК 20.1 P46

    Шпаков, Андрей Иванович
    Распространенность бронхиальной астмы у детей и их родителей в Гродненском регионе
    / А. И. Шпаков // Здоровье и окружающая среда : сб. науч. тр. вып. 20. – Минск : 2012. – С. 235-240. 


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  • 40

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    ББК 51

    Problematic mobile phone using among the Polish and Belarusian University students, a comparative study
    / E. Krajewska-Kulak [и др.] // Progress in Health Sciences. – 2012. – Т. 2. – № 1. – С. 45-50. 


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