
Сортировка по: Отображать по: Корзина(0):Выбрать все на странице Документов: 600
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    ББК 85. M55

    Burchik, A.
    Traditions and the development of grophic expressive means in modern watercolor painting
    / A. Burchik // Menas ir mokslas: Pastovumo ir kaitos apraiskos = Art and Reserch: The Manifestation of Constancy and Changes : Tarplautines mokslines konferencios straipsniai = Proceedings of the International Research Conference. – Siauliu : 2013. – С. 71-75. 


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  • 262

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    ББК 85. M55

    Baranovskaya, T.
    Modern musical-pedagogical education in the context of art and scienceinteraction
    / T. Baranovskaya // Menas ir mokslas: Pastovumo ir kaitos apraiskos = Art and Reserch: The Manifestation of Constancy and Changes : Tarplautines mokslines konferencios straipsniai = Proceedings of the International Research Conference. – Siauliu : 2013. – С. 65-69. 


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  • 263

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    ББК 85. M55

    Bogustov, A.
    Some important problems of post-Soviet art school
    / A. Bogustov // Menas ir mokslas: Pastovumo ir kaitos apraiskos = Art and Reserch: The Manifestation of Constancy and Changes : Tarplautines mokslines konferencios straipsniai = Proceedings of the International Research Conference. – Siauliu : 2013. – С. 69-71. 


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  • 264

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    ББК 85. M55

    Chaiko, M.
    Contemporary monumental schulpture of Belarus, monumental and public art-conflict of institutions
    / M. Chaiko // Menas ir mokslas: Pastovumo ir kaitos apraiskos = Art and Reserch: The Manifestation of Constancy and Changes : Tarplautines mokslines konferencios straipsniai = Proceedings of the International Research Conference. – Siauliu : 2013. – С. 75-78. 


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    ББК 85. M55

    Chernilovskaya, L.
    Realization of the ssyle approach in the class of choral conducting
    / L. Chernilovskaya // Menas ir mokslas: Pastovumo ir kaitos apraiskos = Art and Reserch: The Manifestation of Constancy and Changes : Tarplautines mokslines konferencios straipsniai = Proceedings of the International Research Conference. – Siauliu : 2013. – С. 78-81. 


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  • 266

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    ББК 85. M55

    Kolyago, A.
    Grodno region as a region of original weaving traditions
    / A. Kolyago // Menas ir mokslas: Pastovumo ir kaitos apraiskos = Art and Reserch: The Manifestation of Constancy and Changes : Tarplautines mokslines konferencios straipsniai = Proceedings of the International Research Conference. – Siauliu : 2013. – С. 81-84. 


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    ББК 85. M55

    Mozheiko, L.
    Musical performances and musician-interpreter
    / L. Mozheiko // Menas ir mokslas: Pastovumo ir kaitos apraiskos = Art and Reserch: The Manifestation of Constancy and Changes : Tarplautines mokslines konferencios straipsniai = Proceedings of the International Research Conference. – Siauliu : 2013. – С. 84-88. 


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  • 268

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    ББК 85. M55

    Sheliahovich, N.
    Bioclimatic architecture: brief history and future of the phenomenon
    / N. Sheliahovich // Menas ir mokslas: Pastovumo ir kaitos apraiskos = Art and Reserch: The Manifestation of Constancy and Changes : Tarplautines mokslines konferencios straipsniai = Proceedings of the International Research Conference. – Siauliu : 2013. – С. 88-91. 


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  • 269

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    ББК 85.

    Барановская, Татьяна Григорьевна
    Музыкальная коммуникация и проблемы функционирования музыки в современной культуре
    / Т. Г. Барановская // Веснік Гродзенскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта імя Янкі Купалы. Сер. 1, Гісторыя і археалогія. Філасофія. Паліталогія. – 2013. – № 2 (152). – С. 123-131. 


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  • 270

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    ББК 85.941 С32

    Сербул, Александр Олегович
    Репертуар хорового класса
    : пособие по дисциплинам: "Основы вокальной аранжировки", "Хоровая аранжировка" / А. О. Сербул ; Учреждение образования "Гродненский государственный университет имени Янки Купалы". – Гродно : ГрГУ им. Янки Купалы, 2013. – 51 с. – ISBN 978-985-515-670-4 : 47446р., 10экз. 


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Вестник ГрГУ UNIVERSUM Научная библиотека