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Места хранения экземпляров

Библиографическое описание документа: Ignatik, M. I.
Using the elements of human rights and gender equality concept in implementation of the concept of practice-oriented training (experience of teaching Private International Law)
/ M. I. Ignatik // Mainstreaming of the elements of human rights and gender equality concepts in the learning process of higher legal education system in Belarus: materials of the International Educational and Methodological Seminar, Minsk, 30-31 October 2015. – Minsk : Ecoperspectiva, 2016. – С. 34-36. 
Общее количество экземпляров: 1

Количество экземпляров Места хранения Адреса мест хранения
1 ЭИР. Труды преподавателей ГрГУ www.elib.grsu.by

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