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modern integration processes, european union and belarus: ideological and symbolic discourse of political analysis

Библиографическое описание документа: Vatyl, V. N.
Modern integration processes, European Union and Belarus: ideological and symbolic discourse of political analysis
/ V. N. Vatyl, N. V. Vatyl // Partnership for prosperity: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference " Republic of Belarus - European Union: problems and perspectives of partnership"Belarus, Minsk, June 13-14 2013. – Minsk : Pravo i Ekonomika, 2014. – С. 54-63. 
Авторы:Vatyl V. N. Vatyl N. V.
Ключевые слова: Интеграция, Евросоюз + См. ЕС + См. Европейский союз, Сотрудник ГрГУ
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