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formation of the hot spots by cdse/zns nanocrystalls and metal nanoparticles and their detection by near-field optical microscopy and far-field fluorescence

Библиографическое описание документа: Formation of the hot spots by CdSe/ZnS nanocrystalls and metal nanoparticles and their detection by near-field optical microscopy and far-field fluorescence
/ V. F. Askirka [et al.] // Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (ICQOQI’2017) : XV International Conference, Minsk, 20–23 November 2017. – Minsk : 2017. – С. 80-81. 
Авторы:Askirka V. F. Motevich I. G. Filimonenko D. S. Maskevich S. Strekal N. D.
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