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the process of producing chitosane from micellar mushrooms of Аspergillus species

Библиографическое описание документа: Pavlova, A.
The process of producing chitosane from micellar mushrooms of Аspergillus species
/ A. Pavlova // Current Environmental Issues - 2019 : the 14th International interdisciplinary conference, Bialystok, 24-26 September 2019 / organizing committee: G. Yukhnevich, etc. ; scientific comittee: I. Zavodnik, A. Karevsky, etc. – Bialystok : 2019. – С. 73. 
Авторы:Pavlova A.
Ключевые слова: Сотрудник ГрГУ, Хитозан, Мицелиальные грибы, Хитин
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