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recognition of genuine smile as a factor of happiness and its application to measure the quality of customer retail services

Библиографическое описание документа: Recognition of Genuine Smile as a Factor of Happiness and its Application to Measure the Quality of Customer Retail Services
/ B. Assanovich [и др.] // Pattern Recognition and Information Processing (PRIP'2019) : Proceedings of the 14th International Conference, Minsk, 21-23 May 2019. – Minsk : Bestprint, 2019. – С. 84-89. 
Авторы:Assanovich B. Veretilo Y. Bich N. Pushkina A.
Ключевые слова: Сотрудник ГрГУ, Качество обслуживания, Покупатели, Права покупателя, Эмоциональность, Эмоции, Улыбка
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