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the effect of glycyl-proline dipeptide on the metabolism of neuroactive amino acids and indices of energy turnover in the neocortex of rats after experimental brain ischemia

Библиографическое описание документа: The Effect of Glycyl-Proline Dipeptide on the Metabolism of Neuroactive Amino Acids and Indices of Energy Turnover in the Neocortex of Rats after Experimental Brain Ischemia
/ N. Bashun [et al.] // Neurochemical Journal. – 2013. – Т. 7. – № 1. – С. 39-44. 
Авторы:Bashun N. Doroshenko E. M. Raduta E. F. Balash Z. I. Kanunnikova N. P. Gurinovich V. P. Moiseenok A. G.
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