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effect of ph and polyelectrolytes on the spectral-kinetic properties of ais/zns semiconductor quantum dots in aqueous solutions

Библиографическое описание документа: Effect of pH and Polyelectrolytes on the Spectral-Kinetic Properties of AIS/ZnS Semiconductor Quantum Dots in Aqueous Solutions
/ I. G. Motevich [et al.] // Journal of Applied Spectroscopy. – 2021. – Т. 87. – № 6. – С. 1057-1066. 
Авторы:Motevich I. G. Zenkevich E. I. Stroyuk A. L. Raevskaya A. E. Kulikova O. M. Sheinin V. B. Koifman O. I. Zahn D.R.T. Strekal N. D.
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