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temperature-sensitive fluorescence decay kinetics of thioflavin t derivatives in glycerol

Библиографическое описание документа: Stsiapura, V. I.
Temperature-sensitive fluorescence decay kinetics of Thioflavin T derivatives in glycerol
/ V. I. Stsiapura // Molecular Photonics = Молекулярная фотоника : 5th International Symposium on Molecular Photonics dedicated to the memory of Academician A.N. Terenin (1896–1967) , Peterhof, St. Petersburg, May 6–7, 2021. – St. Petersburg : [s. n.], 2021. – С. 45. 
Авторы:Stsiapura V. I.
Ключевые слова: Сотрудник ГрГУ, Флуоресценция, Тиофлавин Т
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